results of sign survey
Completed January 7, 2017
At a Special Meeting of the Board of Directors on December 6, 2016, the board voted to stop further actions pertaining to erecting a sign at one or more of the east-west entrance streets to Villa Monterey One on Miller Road until:
These data will help the board to deliberate on the sign issue at the January 24 board meeting.
- A homeowner survey is conducted and
- The cost of constructing signage is known and
- The Board can study how this expense affects the budget.
- Number of votes cast: 45 (of 87 households) (51.7%)
- Up to $1,000 more: 3 (6.7%)
- Up to $5,000 more: 13 (28.9%)
- Up to $10,000 more: 3 (6.7%)
- Up to $15,000 more: 1 (2.2%)
- More than $15,000: 0 (0%)
- No more signs desired: 24 (55.6%)
These data will help the board to deliberate on the sign issue at the January 24 board meeting.