The Survey is Located at the Bottom of this Page
History of Sign Development
provided by President Mike Nielsen
Early 2014
- Board Meeting presided over by then President Jim Murphy. Knowing that I was a contractor, I was asked to investigate the possibility of an entrance sign.
- I went to the City of Scottsdale - got all necessary information.
- Our original thought was that Jim Murphy, Tony Viti, Jose (handyman), and I install the sign with an "off-the-cuff" estimate of $5,000 to $7,000.
- Hired a surveyor to outline the boundaries
- Submitted results of survey to the City. They agreed but strongly advised that we have a licensed contactor do the work
- Received agreement from the homeowners at Rancho Vista and Mariposa as to the placement of the sign(s).
- Filed the "Sign Easement" with the County which was approved and signed by the Notary Public of Maricopa County on May 12, 2014.
- Restarted pursuit and got the name of an out-of-state company that did "monument signs" in our area.
- Received an estimate of $12,000 to $15,000.
- Researched more sign contractors and found one in our area---with hopefully lower estimates-being without the middleman.
- Submitted a request for quote complete with examples of what we wanted from local contractor.
Villa monterey sign Survey
At a Special Meeting of the Board of Directors on December 6, 2016, the board voted to stop further actions pertaining to erecting a sign at one or more of the east-west entrance streets to Villa Monterey One on Miller Road until:
Please submit your response before January 7, 2017.
*You must enter your name and one option.
- A homeowner survey is conducted and
- The cost of constructing signage is known and
- The Board can study how this expense affects the budget
Please submit your response before January 7, 2017.
*You must enter your name and one option.