Dear Villa Monterey Unit One Residents:
I have received calls from several residents concerning our recent street resurfacing.
The two most common observations are small, black pebbles loosening from the new surface and noticeable tire marks made when backing out of driveways.
A representative from the City of Scottsdale came to my house today to look at our streets and to explain what’s going on. He told me that both of these phenomena are normal and should disappear as the summer months (and rains) progress. He took some pictures and said he would email more information to me; I will forward this information to you.
In the meantime, be sure to wipe off the soles of your shoes thoroughly before entering your home so your carpets will not be soiled by the black pebbles and be careful to back out SLOWLY from your driveway onto the street.
Rick Morine
President, Villa Monterey Improvement Association
I have received calls from several residents concerning our recent street resurfacing.
The two most common observations are small, black pebbles loosening from the new surface and noticeable tire marks made when backing out of driveways.
A representative from the City of Scottsdale came to my house today to look at our streets and to explain what’s going on. He told me that both of these phenomena are normal and should disappear as the summer months (and rains) progress. He took some pictures and said he would email more information to me; I will forward this information to you.
In the meantime, be sure to wipe off the soles of your shoes thoroughly before entering your home so your carpets will not be soiled by the black pebbles and be careful to back out SLOWLY from your driveway onto the street.
Rick Morine
President, Villa Monterey Improvement Association
If you wish to speak at the Board of Directors meeting,
please contact the executive secretary
using the form below:
The options below are for costs in addition to what has already been expended. Please select one option below by pressing the "SUBMIT" button. This will open your email application. In the subject line of the email include your name and the number of your chioce (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6). You do not need to add any text to the body of the email, only the subject line.
1. I support signage if the cost is approximately $1,000 more.
2. I support signage if the cost is approximately $5,000 more.
3. I support signage if the cost is approximately $10,000 more.
4. I support signage if the cost is approximately $15,000 more.
5. I support signage if the cost is over $15,000 more.
6. I do not think we need any more signs.
1. I support signage if the cost is approximately $1,000 more.
2. I support signage if the cost is approximately $5,000 more.
3. I support signage if the cost is approximately $10,000 more.
4. I support signage if the cost is approximately $15,000 more.
5. I support signage if the cost is over $15,000 more.
6. I do not think we need any more signs.
At a Special Meeting of the Board of Directors on December 6, 2016, the board voted to stop further actions pertaining to erecting signage at the entrance to Villa Monterey at Miller and Rancho Vista until:
Homewowners may participate in this survey by entering a 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 in the box below based on the following:
1. I don't think we should spend any more money on a sign now.
2. I am in favor of a sign if it costs under $1,000.
3. I am in favor of a sign if it costs between $1,000 and $4,999.
4. I am in favor of a sign if it costs between $5,000 and $9,999.
5. I am in favor of a sign if it costs $10,000 or more.
Please enter 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5. You must be a homeowner in good standing and provide your name. An email address is not required.
Please submit your response before January 17, 2017.
Items with a red asterisk must be completed.
- A homeowner survey is conducted and
- The cost of constructing signage is known and
- The effect the expense for signage will have on the budget is known
Homewowners may participate in this survey by entering a 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 in the box below based on the following:
1. I don't think we should spend any more money on a sign now.
2. I am in favor of a sign if it costs under $1,000.
3. I am in favor of a sign if it costs between $1,000 and $4,999.
4. I am in favor of a sign if it costs between $5,000 and $9,999.
5. I am in favor of a sign if it costs $10,000 or more.
Please enter 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5. You must be a homeowner in good standing and provide your name. An email address is not required.
Please submit your response before January 17, 2017.
Items with a red asterisk must be completed.
No recycling pickup on Thanksgiving Day
Put your can out on Friday
Put your can out on Friday

2016 October Spotlight on Jean Mayes | |
File Size: | 69 kb |
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2016 July Spotlight on Myrna Walker | |
File Size: | 98 kb |
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2016 June Spotlight on Rick Morine | |
File Size: | 46 kb |
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2016 May Spotlight on Chuck Lacey | |
File Size: | 44 kb |
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2016 April Spotlight on Linda Ross | |
File Size: | 2124 kb |
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Spotlight Articles
Q. I want to buy, sell, or lease a residence in Villa Monterey Unit One.
What do I need to do?
A. Begin by contacting the executive secretary.
You can find the appropriate forms at DOWNLOADABLE FORMS on this website.
Q. What is the email address of the executive secretary?
Q. Where can I find the "legal description" of my property?
A. Look at MARICOPA COUNTY ASSESSOR on this website. Enter your address.
When you have found your property, click on the parcel # in APN (first column)
for a legal description.
Q. I want to repaint the exterior of my house.
What colors are acceptable and do I need approval from the Association?
A. You will need to get written approval from the board of directors even if using the
existing color. Approved exterior colors are found on this website under
Look for the appropriate form under DOWNLOADABLE FORMS on this website.
Q. Do I need approval for exterior accent colors or awning patterns and colors?
A. Yes. Please present a sample of the accent color/awning pattern to the
executive secretary for written board approval.
Q. I want to make changes to the exterior of my house. Whom do I contact for approval?
A. All changes to the front exterior of the house requiring a permit must be approved
by the board of directors and the Historic Preservation Commission.
Begin by contacting the executive secretary.
Look for the appropriate form under DOWNLOADABLE FORMS on this website.
Q. I want to reserve the park for a private function. How do I do this?
A. You can find the reservation form at PARK AND RAMADA USE on this website.
Submit the completed form and required deposit to the park superintendent
or the executive secretary.
Q. Where do I find the directory or make changes to it?
A. The Association provides an updated hard copy of the directory each year.
If you need a new directory, contact the executive secretary.
You can request changes to the directory at DIRECTORY on this website.
Q. Where can I get copies of the Bylaws and CC&Rs?
A. Look at GOVERNANCE on this website.
Q. When are HOA dues (assessments) due and where do I send them?
A. Assessments are due January 1. You may pay the entire amount on January 1 or
half on January 1 and half on July 1 with no penalty or interest if paid within 15 days.
Send dues to Villa Monterey Unit One, 7904 East Chaparral Road, #A110-504
Scottsdale, AZ 85250.
See the Resale Disclosure Statement in DOWNLOADABLE FORMS on this website.
Q. Where can I find a calendar of Association events?
A. Look at CALENDAR on this website.
Please contact the executive secretary if you have changes to the calendar.
Q. Who is on the board of directors and what do they do?
A. Look at GOVERNANCE on this website.
Q. When and where does the board of directors meet?
How do I arrange to speak at a board of directors' meeting?
A. The board usually meets on the third Tuesday of every month except
during summer months and December. Meetings are usually in the park ramada.
Contact the executive secretary in writing to be put on the meeting agenda.
Q. Where can I find the approved minutes of Association meetings?
A. Look at MINUTES on this website.
Q. Where can I find the financial reports of the Association?
A. Look for financial information at FINANCIALS on this website.
Q. What is the Auxiliary and who are the officers?
A. Look at AUXILIARY COMMITTEE on this website.
Q. Are private yard or estate sales permitted?
A. Yard and garage or carport sales are not permitted.
Estate sales are permitted INSIDE the house only.
Periodically the board of directors may approve a community rummage sale.
Q. Where can I find more information about the Historic Preservation Program?
Q. How do I contact the Association using email or the internet?
A. Look at HOW TO REACH US on this website.
Q. I have found errors on or have suggestions for
How do I report these?
A. Your input is important and appreciated.
Please email to
If you wish to speak at the Board of Directors meeting,
please contact Executive Secretary Julia Kerrigan
using the form below:
please contact Executive Secretary Julia Kerrigan
using the form below:
Villa Monterey Unit One Improvement Association
Board of Directors Meeting
Tuesday, October 25, 2016
Park Ramada
4:30 P.M.
Important Numbers
Scottsdale Police 480-312-5000
Scottsdale Fire 480-312-3473
Scottsdale Police 480-312-5000
Scottsdale Fire 480-312-3473
Villa Monterey Unit One
Contact Information
7904 East Chaparral Road
Ste A110-504
Scottsdale, AZ 85250
Contact Information
7904 East Chaparral Road
Ste A110-504
Scottsdale, AZ 85250
The Villa Monterey community was developed by David Friedman’s Butler Homes. Construction began in 1961 at the same time another visionary, Harry Lenart, was building Scottsdale Fashion Square. Friedman felt there was a niche for a modified, low rise, East Coast townhouse concept with attached homes. The idea was to appeal to those locals and winter residents not needing a traditional house but something larger than most apartments plus arcadia doors leading to a small patio and garden.
Villa Monterey Unit One was the first townhouse community in Arizona. As success became evident, many builders followed suit.
Even though an original par-3 golf course (with clubhouse, lounge, and restaurant) was in the path of the Indian Bend Wash improvement, the nine well-maintained residential components of Villa Monterey have, since inception, been an integral part of central Scottsdale.
Originally, there were no age restrictions, but Villa Monterey homes have not proven to be suitable for families with young children. As a result, the units have gradually complied with the Federal Fair Housing Act, whereby age restrictions may be instituted so long as 80 percent of the residents are age 55 or older. Today, many residents are in their 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, and even 90s.
Edited with permission from an article in the May 29, 2007, Scottsdale Republic written by Ben Cowles.
Villa Monterey Unit One was the first townhouse community in Arizona. As success became evident, many builders followed suit.
Even though an original par-3 golf course (with clubhouse, lounge, and restaurant) was in the path of the Indian Bend Wash improvement, the nine well-maintained residential components of Villa Monterey have, since inception, been an integral part of central Scottsdale.
Originally, there were no age restrictions, but Villa Monterey homes have not proven to be suitable for families with young children. As a result, the units have gradually complied with the Federal Fair Housing Act, whereby age restrictions may be instituted so long as 80 percent of the residents are age 55 or older. Today, many residents are in their 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, and even 90s.
Edited with permission from an article in the May 29, 2007, Scottsdale Republic written by Ben Cowles.